Here we go for the seventh day of our trip Port Royal next stop. With all the genealogy and history I've worked with all these years I had never really noticed where Beaubassin, an old Acadian village, was situated today, I was too busy with dates and names of people. Now Port Royal and Grand Pre I had heard about and the names still exists and I looked forward to visiting these historic places.

        While in Amherst at the B&B we asked the lady of the house where Beaubassin was situated and she had no idea where or even what it was? Now isnt that the weirdest thing you ever heard, Amherst was Beaubassin back then yet a lady who runs a bed and breakfast, deals with tourists knew nothing of it.

        Well turns out Port Royal was not really the place to visit either I guess. Fort Ann at Annapolis Royal was the fort used by the English and the Acadians in the 1700's.

        Habitation of Port Royal was first built in 1605 and it was the home of Sieur de Mont. Headquarters of the settlement of Poutrincourt and Biencourt until the habibation was destroyed by Argall of Virginia in 1613. It has been reproduced as it stands today. Following you'll see pictures of the "Habitation".

The trading fort, Habitation, at Port Royal

Yard - Well


Artisan's Quarters



Bedroom One

Bedroom Two

Bedroom Three


Cannon Platform




Common Room

Common Room

Common Room

Gentlemen's Dwellings

Gun from that era

Port Royal Habitation History

Officer's Bedroom

Sail Loft

Sieur Demon's Bedroom

Trading Room


The Trip from Moncton to Saint John the long way around
Day 1         Day 2         Day 3         Day 4         Day 4-2         Day 4-3         Day 5         Day 5-2         Day 5-3         Day 6         Day 6-2         Day 6-3         Day 7         Day 8         Day 9         Day 10